February 07, 2013

Check Before You Renovate Buildings Constructed Pre 1970 Could Have Lead Based Paint

A guide for health professionals titled “Lead Alert” states“nearly all cases of acute lead poisoning in children admitted to children's hospitals in recent years have been attributed to home renovation activities”.

The guide outlines even low levels of lead in blood can have developmental effects on young children, recommending pregnant women and children under 5 years not be present in a home built pre 1970 undergoing renovations.

Homes built pre 1970 are said to have used lead-based paints, and should this paint be flaking and removed from the surface can create lead dust making it airborne and enabling inhalation and absorbed into the blood stream.

If your home is built pre- 1970 and the paint is damaged or disturbed - or likely to go that way - then your best course of action is to have it professionally removed.

Premier Painting Company offer specialist painting solutions to the Historic Houses Trust. These buildings require a unique understanding of lead management and Premier Painting Company are accredited to manage the removal asbestos which is critical in provide an end to end painting solution to these clients.

For more information about lead paint or how to test the paint in your house, office or commercial premises contact Premier Painting on 1300 916 291